Note: The following sections in this chapter are intentionally left blank: AD-2.16, AD-2.20, AD-2.21, AD-2.23
1 | AD | 0800 - 1600 (Local time) MON - FRI (Administration) |
2 | Customs and immigration | Upon NOTAM |
3 | Health and sanitation | Upon NOTAM |
4 | AIS Briefing Office | H24 |
5 | ATS Reporting Office (ARO) | H24 |
6 | MET Briefing Office | H24 |
7 | ATS | H24 |
8 | Fuelling | Upon NOTAM |
9 | Handling | Upon NOTAM |
10 | Security | H24 |
11 | De-icing | Upon NOTAM |
12 | Remarks | Extension of AD operating time O/R 24H in advance |
1 | Cargo-handling facilities | Fork lift truck up to 5 T Fork lift truck up to 2.5 T |
2 | Fuel/oil types | Jet A1 |
3 | Fuelling facilities/capacity | Two suppliers with three fuel trucks (See AD 2.20) 1. Fuel truck with capacity 24400 L (A1) - Supplier Airports of The Republic of Srpska 2. Fuel trucks with capacity 23000 L and 18500 L (A1) - Supplier Super Petrol |
4 | De-icing facilities | De-icing vehicles: FMC TM 1800, capacity 1800 US gallons (6813 L), Maximum working height: 14.63 M JBT Thempest, capacity 2000 US gallons (7571 L), Maximum working height: 15.75 M Fluid types and available mixes: Type I 50/50 % fluid/water mix (heated) Type II 100/0 % fluid/water mix |
5 | Hangar space for visiting aircraft | NIL |
6 | Repair facilities for visiting aircraft | NIL |
7 | Remarks | NIL |
1 | Hotels | Hotels in Laktaši and Banja Luka |
2 | Restaurants | At AD and in Banja Luka |
3 | Transportation | Taxi at AD |
4 | Medical facilities | First aid at AD, hospital in Banja Luka |
5 | Bank and Post Office | In Laktaši and Banja Luka |
6 | Tourist Office | In Banja Luka |
7 | Remarks | NIL |
1 | AD category for fire fighting | CAT |
2 | Rescue equipment | According to ICAO Annex 14 |
3 | Capability for removal of disabled aircraft | Disabled aircraft can be removed using subcontractor equipment in cooperation with the aircraft operator. |
4 | Remarks |
1 | Types of clearing equipment | 1x Snow blower Bucher-Schoerling (R1, 500 W, 400 E) 1x Snow blower Bucher-Schoerling 2x Airport Sweeper Bucher-Schoerling (SB80CJ) 3x Snow plough FAP 13 1x Combined Snow plough-sweeper Overaasen: 1x Urea spreader |
2 | Clearance priorities | RWY, TWYs, APN |
3 | Remarks | NIL |
1 | Apron designation, surface and strength | APRON | SURFACE | STRENGTH | ||
APRON I | CONC | PCN 65/R/B/X/T | ||||
2 | Taxiway width, surface and strength | TAXIWAY | WIDTH | SURFACE | STRENGTH | |
A | 22.5 M | CONC | PCN 65/R/B/X/T | |||
B | 22.5 M | CONC | PCN 65/R/B/X/T | |||
3 | ACL location and elevation | Apron, 120 M | ||||
4 | VOR checkpoints | NIL | ||||
5 | INS checkpoints | AVBL | ||||
6 | Remarks | NIL |
1 | Use of aircraft stand ID signs, TWY guide lines and visual docking/parking guidance system of aircraft stands | Yes |
2 | RWY and TWY markings and LGT | RWY-16/34 Designations, THR, TDZ, fixed distances, centre line, edges |
TWY A: Holding positions, edges, centre line, Marshaller | ||
TWY B: Holding positions, edges, centre line, Marshaller | ||
3 | Stop bars | TWYs A,B1) |
4 | Remarks | 1)Wig Wag |
Obstacle ID | Obstacle type | Coordinates | ELEV at TOP/HGT | Marking / LGT type / colour | Remarks |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Obstacle ID | Obstacle type | Coordinates | ELEV at TOP/HGT | Marking / LGT type / colour | Remarks |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
1 | Associated MET Office | BANJA LUKA MET |
2 | Hours of service MET Office outside hours | H24 |
3 | Office responsible for TAF preparation Periods of validity Interval of issuance | MWO Banja Luka 24 HR NIL |
4 | Trend forecast Interval of issuance | TREND 30 MIN |
5 | Briefing / Consultation provided | Personal briefing or via telephone: +387 51 337 573 |
6 | Flight documentation Language(s) used | METAR, TAF, SIGMET Charts: SWC, W/T English |
7 | Charts and other information available for briefing or consultation | Diagnostic and prognostic surface and upper-level chartsof meteorological fields Satellite images |
8 | Supplementary equipment available for providing information | Internet access |
9 | ATS units provided with information | Banja Luka TWR, Banja Luka APP |
10 | Additional information (limitation of service, etc.) | NIL |
RWY Designator | True BRG | Dimensions of RWY (M) | Strength (PCN) and surface of RWY and SWY | THR COORD, RWY end COORD, THR GUND | THR ELEV and highest ELEV of TDZ of precision APP RWY |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
16 | 170.01 | 2500 X 45 | 1740 M: PCN 90/F/B/W/T ASPH 760 M: PCN 65/R/B/X/T CONC | 445708.86N 0171740.53E NIL | THR 375.72 FT TDZ NIL |
34 | 350.01 | 2500 X 45 | 760 M: PCN 65/R/B/X/T CONC 1740 M: PCN 90/F/B/W/T ASPH | 445549.20N 0171801.29E NIL | THR 401.34 FT TDZ NIL |
Slope of RWY-SWY | SWY dimensions (M) | CWY dimensions (M) | Strip dimensions (M) | RESA dimensions (M) | OFZ | Remarks |
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
NIL | NIL | NIL | 2620 X 150 | 120 x 90 | NIL | NIL |
NIL | NIL | NIL | 2620 X 150 | 90x 90 | NIL | NIL |
RWY Designator | TORA (M) | TODA (M) | ASDA (M) | LDA (M) | Remarks |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
16 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | NIL |
34 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | NIL |
RWY Designator | APCH LGT type, LEN, INTST | THR LGT colour, WBAR | VASIS (MEHT), PAPI | TDZ LGT LEN |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
16 | CAT I Type B (Alpa Ata)900 M LIH | G NIL | PAPI LEFT 3° | NIL |
34 | SALS, 420 M LIL | G | PAPI LEFT 3° | NIL |
RWY Centre Line LGT LEN, spacing, colour, INTST | RWY edge LGT LEN, spacing, colour, INTST | RWY End LGT colour, WBAR | SWY LGT LEN, colour | Remarks |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
2500 M
30 M
W 0-1600 M LIH | 2500 M 60 M W 0-1900 M Y 1900-2500 M LIH | R | NIL | NIL |
2500 M
30 M
W 0-1600 M LIH | 2500 M 60 M W 0-1900 M Y 1900-2500 M LIH | R | NIL | NIL |
1 | ABN/IBN location, characteristics and hours of operation | ABN: NIL IBN: NIL |
2 | LDI location and LGT Anemometer location and LGT | LDI: NIL Anemometer: See AD chart; lighted |
3 | TWY edge and centre line lighting | Edge: A, B CL: NIL |
4 | Secondary power supply/switch-over time | AVBL / 10 SEC |
5 | Remarks | NIL |
1 | Designation and lateral limits | BANJA LUKA CTR 450111.76N 0172012.20E; then a clockwise arc radius 5 NM centered on ARP AD LQBK; 445240.77N 0172224.84E; 444706.18N 0172351.33E; 444611.75N 0171657.13E; 445146.25N 0171530.00E; then a clockwise arc radius 5 NM centered on ARP AD LQBK; 450017.10N 0171316.37E; 450818.97N 0171109.69E; 450913.76N 0171806.45E; 450111.76N 0172012.20E. |
2 | Vertical limits | GND - 5500 FT AMSL |
3 | Airspace classification | D |
4 | ATS unit call sign Language(s) | BANJA LUKA TOWER/ BANJA LUKA TORANJ English/ Bosnian/ Croatian/ Serbian |
5 | Transition altitude | 10000 FT AMSL |
6 | Hours of applicability | NIL |
7 | Remarks | NIL |
Service designation | Call sign | Frequency | Hours of operation | Remarks |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
124.175 MHZ | H24 | Spare FREQ | ||
121.500 MHZ | H24 | EMREG FREQ | ||
124.175 MHZ | H24 | Spare FREQ | ||
121.500 MHZ | H24 | EMERG FREQ | ||
Type of aid, MAG VAR, Type of supported OPS (for VOR/ILS/MLS, give declination) | ID | Frequency | Hours of operation | Position of transmitting antenna coordinates | Elevation of DME transmitting antenna | Remarks |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
VOR/DME (5°E/2020) | LAK | 115.3 MHZ CH 100X | H24 | 445629.94N 0171745.54E | 123.83 M | Coverage 40 NM Not comply with Annex 10,Vol.1, 2.3.1 (no information of the operational status on APP/TWR position) |
NDB (5°E/2020) | BLK | 340 KHZ | H24 | 450542.96N 0171528.56E | 126.05 M | Coverage 50 NM Not comply with Annex 10,Vol.1, 2.3.1 (no information of the operational status on APP/TWR position) |
L (5°E/2020) | LU | 397 KHZ | H24 | 445739.74N 0171732.45E | 123.59 M | Coverage 25 NM Not comply with Annex 10,Vol.1, 2.3.1 (no information of the operational status on APP/TWR position) |
L (5°E/2020) | NA | 383 KHZ | H24 | 445519.59N 0171809.00E | 135.01 M | Coverage 25 NM Not comply with Annex 10,Vol.1, 2.3.1 (no information of the operational status on APP/TWR position) |
DME 16 (5°E/2020) | BAL | 108.7 MHZ | H24 | 445700.44N 0171748.31E | 123.27 M | Collocated with GP16 |
GP 16 (5°E/2020) | 330.5 MHZ | H24 | 445700.44N 0171748.31E | 130.53 M | NIL | |
LOC 16 (5°E/2020) | BAL | 108.7 MHZ | H24 | 445540.19N 0171803.63E | 126.02 M | ILS CAT I |
Name | Page |
LQBK AD 2.24.01-1 | Aerodrome Chart - ICAO |
LQBK AD 2.24.04-1 | Aerodrome Obstacle Chart - ICAO Type A (RWY 16-34) |
LQBK AD 2.24.08-1 | Standard Departure Chart - Instrument (SID) - ICAO (BOSNA 1E/BOSNA 3C) |
LQBK AD 2.24.08-3 | Standard Departure Chart - Instrument (SID) - ICAO (DER 1C/DER 1D) |
LQBK AD 2.24.08-5 | Standard Departure Chart - Instrument (SID) - ICAO (KOMAR 1A/KOMAR 1B) |
LQBK AD 2.24.08-7 | Standard Departure Chart - Instrument (SID) - ICAO (TEBLI 1D/TEBLI 1E) |
LQBK AD 2.24.10-1 | Standard Arrival Chart - Instrument (STAR) - ICAO (BLK STAR RWY 16/34) |
LQBK AD 2.24.10-3 | Standard Arrival Chart - Instrument (STAR) - ICAO (LAK STAR RWY 16/34) |
LQBK AD 2.24.12-1 | Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO (ILSy RWY 16) |
LQBK AD 2.24.12-3 | Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO (ILSz RWY 16) |
LQBK AD 2.24.12-5 | Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO (VOR RWY 16) |
LQBK AD 2.24.12-7 | Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO (RNP RWY 34) |
LQBK AD 2.24.13-1 | Visual Approach Chart - ICAO |