ENR 1.4  ATS airspace classification and description


ATS airspace is qualified and designated in accordance with the following:
1.1   CLASS A
IFR flights are only permitted, all flights are subject to air traffic control service and are separated from each other.
1.2   CLASS B
IFR and VFR flights are permitted, all flights are subject to air traffic control service and are separated from each other.
1.3   CLASS C
IFR and VFR flights are permitted, all flights are subject to air traffic control service and IFR flights are separated from other IFR flights and from VFR flights. VFR flights are separated from IFR flights and receive traffic information in respect of other VFR flights.
1.4   CLASS D
IFR and VFR flights are permitted and all flights are subject to air traffic control service, IFR flights are separated from other IFR flights and receive traffic information in respect of VFR flights, VFR flights receive traffic information in respect of all other flights.
1.5   CLASS E
IFR and VFR flights are permitted, IFR flights are subject to air traffic control service and are separated from other IFR flights. All receive traffic information as far as a practice.
1.6   CLASS F
IFR and VFR flights are permitted, all participating IFR flights receive an air traffic advisory and all flights receive flight information on request.
1.7   CLASS G
VFR flights are only permitted and receive flight information service if requested.


Within the Sarajevo FIR the airspace is divided into four (4) Classes C, D, E and G. Airspace classes C, D and E are broadly with those recommended by ICAO.
Class G of airspace is different than ICAO classification. Difference is published in GEN 1.7
ICAO Classes A, B and F are at the present not used.
The airspace classes are described below with respect to the conditions of use and the services provided with.
Abbreviations used in this context have the following meaning:
  • ATC - Air Traffic Control Service;
  • FIS - Flight Information Service;
  • ALRS - Alerting Service;
  • RTF - Continuous Two Way Radio Communication.
The vertical and lateral limits of the airspace are contained in chapter ENR 2.1.


The provisions of Class C are shown below:
IFR from IFR, IFR from VFRSeparationVFR from IFR
Air Traffic Control ServiceService provideda) ATCS for separation from IFR,
b) VFR/VFR traffic information (and traffic avoidance advice on request)
Not applicableVMC visibility and distance from
cloud minima
At and above FL 100:
- 8 KM visibility
- 1.500 M horizontal and 300 M
vertical distance from cloud
Below FL 100:
- 5 KM visibility
- 1.500 M horizontal and 300 M
vertical distance from cloud
Not applicableSpeed limitation250 KT IAS below 3050 M
(10000 FT AMSL)
Continuous two-wayRTFContinuous two-way
* The height of transition altitude is 10000 FT AMSL, so FL 100 is used in line of 10000 FT.


The provisions of Class D are shown below:
IFR from IFRSeparationNIL
Air Traffic Control Service, Traffic
information about VFR flights
(and traffic avoidance advise on request)
Service providedIFR/VFR and VFR/VFR Traffic
information (and traffic avoidance
advise on request)
Not applicableVMC visibility and distance from
cloud minima
At and above FL100:
- 8 KM visibility
- 1.500 M horizontal and 300 M
vertical distance from cloud

Below FL100:
- 5 KM visibility
- 1.500 M horizontal and 300 M
vertical distance from cloud
250 KT IAS below 3050 M
(10000 FT AMSL)
Speed limitation250 KT IAS below 3050 M
(10000 FT AMSL)
Continuous two-wayRTFContinuous two-way
* The height of transition altitude is 10000 FT AMSL, so FL 100 is used in line of 10000 FT.


The provisions of Class E are shown below:
IFR from IFRSeparationNIL
Air Traffic Control Service and as far as practical, Traffic information about VFR flightsService providedTraffic information as far as practical
Not applicableVMC visibility and distance from cloud minima- 8 KM visibility
- 1.500 M horizontal and 300 M vertical distance from cloud
250 KT IAS below 3050 M
(10000 FT AMSL)
Speed limitation250 KT IAS below 3050 M
(10000 FT AMSL)
Continuous two-wayRTFNO
YESATC ClearanceNO
* The height of transition altitude is 10000 FT AMSL, so FL 100 is used in line of 10000 FT.


The provisions of Class G are shown below:
NILService providedFIS
NILVMC visibility and distance from cloud minima- 1.5 KM visibility
- clear of cloud and in sight of ground or water

Remark: 800 M for Rotorcraft, Air Ships and Free Balloons.

Additionally: Adequate opportunity to observe obstacles on time shall exist.
NILSpeed limitation250 KT IAS below 3050 M
(10000 FT AMSL)
NOATC ClearanceNO
* The height of transition altitude is 10000 FT AMSL, so FL 100 is used in line of 10000 FT.


See AIC A 002/2014